A.S.L. S.r.l. - via Collegno, 47
10044 Pianezza (TO)
tel. 011-966.30.22
fax 011-967.40.34
e-mail: rubino@asl-srl.com
P. IVA 05787070019 - REA Torino 3287/89
Cap. Soc. € 50000 i.v.
Home Backgrounds A.S.L. today Aluminium fixture Ironworks Iron-sheet pressing Dies tooling
  Press department The machines The products

Progressive press working: a few examples.


Our qualified engineers perform the quality checks using dedicated masks or measuring tools (caliber, micrometer, johnson, comparator, etc.).

We keep track of any item in the store and workshop applying specific labels stating the drawing number, the part name, the production date and the customer's name.

Home | Backgrounds | A.S.L. today | Aluminium fixture | Iron works | Iron sheet pressing | Dies tooling